Hope Beacon Hill’s strength is in our relationships, we have a strong spirit of unity. Our aim is to equip the saints, be salt and light in our own neighbourhoods
During the pandemic, we met in home churches while restrictions were in place, but these are currently on hold as we now love and enjoy gathering corporately every Sunday.
The purpose of our home churches is to open our doors to others in our neighborhood, providing the opportunity to share what we love in a way that reflects our hearts. It’s also a space to stir up the gifts each of us has and share them with others
Fellowship, prayer and communion are key components to our gatherings.
If you’re hosting, it doesn’t mean you have to lead the whole meeting, the goal is to facilitate and listen to people and the Holy Spirit’s leading, and make sure everyone has a fun time.
We love how we have the opportunity to be the Church and bring hope to our neighbourhood simply by inviting someone into our homes.
Just think of it having family over. You don’t need to make a big fuss.
It’s like when you go around visiting other family members, the purpose is we visit each others homes and enjoy our time together. Allow people to chat, catch up, share, don’t control the conversations, but facilitate them when necessary.
Who’s in your neighbourhood?
There are a lot of anxious people in our neighbourhood who may need support & encouragement. Inviting them over for a cuppa and home church is a great way to offer support and pray for them.
No stress, if you don’t think you can host, that’s OK, our strength is not in our gifting but in our relationships. There’s something everyone can bring to a gathering.
Whether joining others live online or watching a pre- recorded service, these components help connect us to our Father.
Keep it simple
We live busy lives and appreciate that Sundays is the only day some people have a rest.
As a suggestion, home churches should be under two hours. Two hours gives the host and everyone else time to catch up, clean up and leave plenty of time to rest.
You can watch an online service, or have a time of communion, pray for any prayer needs and have fun!
Creating space
This means making people feel at home. Worship music adds a nice touch. Where two or three gather, Jesus is there. We love creating spaces where people can experience the Father’s hope, freedom, and love.
Keep it simple | Have fun
To make sure we keep everyone safe, make sure you follow the governments guidelines on physical distancing. Remember to stay home if you’re feeling unwell or if you’re hosting, cancel it.
If you’re not planning to watch the service online which will include a worship set, create your own worship set using iTunes, Spotify, Apple music or Youtube.
Pray for prayer requests in your home church, pray for our fellowship, city, nation and any other prayer needs.
TIP: Ask someone other than the host to pray eg. kids.
It’s great to be able to share with each other what God has done, or even ask for prayer. Home is safe place to do both and be able to receive prayer. We’re Spirit led people, if you have prophetic word, a scripture, this is a great space to share your gift.
To make it easy, here’s the SOAP method to do your own Bible study.
During this time in our world, we believe taking Communion like Jesus and His disciples, is a great way to focus on the finished and perfect work of the Cross, and His promises.
Tip: Don’t make it too long, maybe someone else can take communion other than the facilitator. Doesn’t have to be long, just some thoughts or a verse from the Bible.
Click here for verses on Communion